Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lesson #2-Draw, Draw, Draw.

It is really basic, the more you draw the better artist you become. Wow, so simple and yet so wise, how do I do it. It is the sure fire underwear bomber way to get there. I can tell you from personal experience that drawing everyday is not enough, but it's all the time you got. So draw, draw, draw.

Even when I don't feel like drawing I do drawing exercises, drawing circles and straight lines, drawing simple shapes and trying out different tools (see above knucklehead). I am always amazed at how most young artists don't take the time to learn how to make "marks". They don't bother to learn the language of the brush, or pen. All they try to do is finish a drawing, not learn how to finish a drawing or experiment with different ways to finish. The better your skills the better you become at creating beautiful work.

Figure drawing, gesture drawing, contour drawing, drawing with purpose, drawing off the top of your head, drawing mindlessly, drawing with shampoo in the shower, drawing yellow in the snow with "Mister or Ms. Wonderful", it all works to make you better. And if you want to be an animator, you will have to be better.

I was fortunate enough to begin my animation education in the Knight Cap bar in Chicago many many years ago. Richard Williams, world renown animation genius, used to come to Chi-Town for agency pre-pro meetings and we met on several occasions talking animation, his love of music and the clarinet, while drinking beer til the wee hours. Richard had a remarkable capacity to teach and I was like a bar towel on New Years Eve sopping up every last drop. Richard taught me an amazing amount about animation and I was hooked at the tender young age of 19. I will never forget his parting advice, "Draw, Draw, Draw...

"then draw some more".

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